BID Team Member, Leanna, is working closely with Disability Groups in Eastbourne and would like to know what businesses in the Your Eastbourne Business Improvement District (BID) have in place to support accessibility and what barriers you have to providing accessibility to your business premises.

For example, maybe you have a wheelchair ramp; maybe you have a ‘quiet time/place’; maybe you have large print menus; maybe you have aids to support people with hearing or visual impairments; maybe it is possible to move furniture if necessary to accommodate someone with limited mobility?

We are aware that some steps and pavements do not allow for ramps and that affordability for changes is an issue. It will be really interesting to find out the barriers you face and to discover if there are solutions out there.

Furthermore, if you would like to talk about how you can support accessibility in your business, please do contact Leanna, who has many years experience in this area.

Access Barriers and Solutions in Eastbourne
Eastbourne Access Group and Eastbourne Blind Society invite you to attend an event on 28th July 2021.

Main image credit: Steve Buissinne from Pixabay