Following the success of the Pop-Up Park, the planters used have been relocated across the town at the request of businesses.

Stephen Holt, CEO of Your Eastbourne BID said “The pop-up park was a huge success in Victoria Place, and the traders worked incredibly hard to provide a full schedule of entertainment for customers.”

“I also want to thank the traders for launching “A Taste of Victoria Place” which had 20 businesses showcase their offering to customers. I’ve never seen the street so busy!”

As a result of the pop-up park, we also had a number of planters left. These have been distributed to businesses who reached out following one of our social media posts and promised to maintain them over the year.

Stephen continued “I’m delighted that businesses have been able to use these planters which we have carefully maintained, and would like to thank them for their support.

Stephen continued “Depending on demand and use, we can supply more planters in the new year. Please get in touch if you would be interested”.