Organisers behind Green Light Music Festival today announced sold out sessions over the weekend.

Stephen Holt from Your Eastbourne BID said “Our opening night at the town hall was a sell out before doors opened. Stan H, Knocksville, The Veltmans and our headline band, Torrid Horror rocked the town hall, and I think probably blew out a few cob-webs! The was replicated across the venues across the town which in total hosted over 40 local acts playing original music. Huge thanks to the whole team who worked so hard and volunteered their skills and expertise to put on this phenomenal event. We’ve proven that original live music is here to stay in Eastbourne!

Caine Hemmingway from the Eastbourne Music Collective said “It was an incredible 3 day event for Eastbourne. Huge thank you to all involved. To showcase all local, and all original bands and performers, across 5 venues was an emotional experience. Every band and every audience member put 100% into this, and to see what it meant to everyone has highlighted how Eastbourne has a thirst, a need, for this grassroots music scene to thrive in our town. It’s already here. We all just facilitated it. Keep your eyes peeled for more events from Eastbourne Music Collective. Eastbourne is clearly ready.”

Photo Credit: John Hesse